Parenting in the Age of the iPhone: Together, We Can Outsmart the Smart Devices and Turn the Tide

Beyond the Screen: Building a Thoughtful Tech Community for Cape Elizabeth Families

Navigating the digital age of parenting is no easy feat. We're all trying to figure this out, and none of us have all the answers. 

Maybe you've given your child a smartphone and you're curious about exploring other solutions.

Maybe you're feeling pressured to give them one, even though your gut says otherwise. Or maybe you're just not sure what to do.

Wherever you are on this journey, you have a place in our alliance.

You won't have to feel alone in grappling with these issues, like you're failing no matter what decision you make, or like you're constantly policing your kids. 

Together, we can navigate this complex landscape with grace and understanding. 

We're here to support each other in being more thoughtful about tech, without judgment or shame.

Inspired by Jonathan Haidt's The Anxious Generation, our mission is to empower kids, parents, and educators in our community to create a more thoughtful childhood rich in critical thinking, nature exploration, creative play, hands-on learning, and the freedom to make mistakes and grow.

What will make a difference is coming together as a community, sharing our experiences, and learning from one another.

As part of that effort, we advocate for:

  1. No smartphones before high school,

  2. No social media before 16,

  3. No phones in schools, and

  4. More free, independent play. 

These guidelines aim to give kids the space to engage with the real world and develop into well-rounded, resilient individuals who are empathetic, curious, playful, kind, and confident in their own abilities.

Technology has advanced at a mind-boggling pace, and society is still catching up. But one thing remains certain: the power of community to effect change. 

By uniting as parents, educators, and advocates, we can give our children the tools they need to thrive in the digital age and beyond. 

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